Language variety accepted and understood by the entirety of a linguistic community, often identified with the standard or literary language or a lower register of it.
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Examples for "common language "
Examples for "common language "
1 Extra classes were set up for children who shared no common language .
2 The two jackrabbits said something in the common language , quickly and tensely.
3 In the absence of a common language , translation soaks up precious time.
4 Chamorro is the common language of Saipan, but they all speak English.
5 Tsata, speaking Saramyrrhic, the only common language the three survivors had left.
1 This decline from particular to general language was regarded as a great gain in elegance.
2 Their general language development showed no difference, either.
3 Llanka is a word of the general language of the Incas, signifying fine clay.)
4 A number of the smaller nations have wholly abandoned their national tongue and talk only the general language .
5 An answer was accordingly given, but couched in such vague and general language as to be quite without meaning.
6 They had been absorbed in the Semitic population and their language was no longer the general language of the country.
7 It is the spirit of the text, and the general language of the scriptures, as will be shewn in the sequel.
8 The German was introduced, became the general language among the nobles and citizens, and was used by the monks in their sermons.
9 Yet the boldness and audacity of his general language was quite in accordance: 'Indulgences,' said he, 'are the most precious of God's gifts.
10 Their general language is that the judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court and such other inferior courts as may be created by law.
11 You may think, perhaps, this letter gloomy; but I assure you I write much less desponding than the general language and feeling would authorize me.
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més
Aquesta col·locació està formada per: Translations for general language